Inside the Classroom

Susan B. Saint John

Research output: Book/ReportLynn University Digital Press Publicationpeer-review


Inside the Classroom encompasses all a teacher handles, from schedules to instruction to behavior and more. This interactive textbook introduces the reader to Sasha, a first-year teacher, who faces numerous obstacles and challenges that every teacher must overcome. And like Sasha, the reader will learn to understand, apply, and create various strategies, skills, and best practices focused on all aspects of classroom management that have been designed to soundly prepare educators for their futures in the profession. Course: EDU 415

Original languageAmerican English
Place of PublicationBoca Raton, FL
PublisherLynn University Digital Press
StatePublished - 2023

Publication series

NameLynn University Digital Press Books

Bibliographical note

This book was initially published in January 2020 under the title Inside the Classroom Door.

In 2023, the title of the book changed to Inside the Classroom.

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