Introduction to Marketing Theories & Methods: History, Principles, Strategies, and Future Practices of the Marketing Field

Research output: Book/ReportLynn University Digital Press Publication


The iBook touches upon the history, theories, strategies, and upcoming practices of the marketing field. The iBook is written and built for a small-enrollment, modern, dynamic classroom environment, with emphasis on instructor-students interaction rather than traditional lecturing methods. Each chapter is purposely set up so as the student advances through the course, he or she is gradually building a potential marketing plan. The iBook is structured and written with the student in mind, and will provide enough theoretical and practical insight to assist business students in becoming enthusiastic about the marketing field, while designing a well-founded marketing plan for something innovative to offer to the world. Course: MKT 250

Original languageAmerican English
Place of PublicationBoca Raton, FL
PublisherLynn University Digital Press
StatePublished - 2014

Publication series

NameLynn University Digital Press Books

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