Time & Space – Halloween in the Witch City

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference session


In Salem (MA), the Witch City, Halloween is the largest economic event in the city - for tourists, locals, restaurants, hotels, traffic, and crime. Culminating in the actual day & night of Halloween, the month of Haunted Happenings" is felt by the police courts and county jail in a manner proportionate to the promotion and disproportionate to both the rest of the year and neighboring communities. Criminal activity shifts in demographics offenses and processing of cases throughout the entire criminal justice system. Presentation addresses interesting aspects of this shift and how it is addressed by the police courts and jail."
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 30 2016
EventAcademy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting - Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, United States
Duration: Mar 29 2016Apr 2 2016
Conference number: 53rd


MeetingAcademy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleACJS16
Country/TerritoryUnited States
OtherAdvancing Justice on All Fronts
Internet address

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