United States Firearm Mortality Rate as Influenced by Gun Carry Laws and Contributing Factors

Jayden N. Reece, Alanna L. Lecher

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


I will be discussing firearm mortality within the United States, how gun-carry laws effect the rate of gun violence, as well as what factors influence firearm mortality. The data was collected from government databases such as the CDC and the Census Bureau for 2005 and 2014-2018. An analysis was first conducted based on the states' gun-carry laws and its effect on firearm mortality. The 50 states were divided into the gun-carry laws recognized by the United States open carry with no permit required, open carry with permit required, concealed carry with permit required, and open carry with permit required and limitation on usage and restricted areas. The years were averaged and plotted on a boxplot to reveal which category had the highest prevalence of firearm mortality. Using ANOVA and t-testing, the results revealed open carry with no permit requirement having a statistically significant p-value (0.05). The positive correlation between contributing factors and firearm mortality is significant because factors such as suicide and poverty could be targeted and reduced within specific areas or states and reduce firearm mortality as a consequence.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 27 2021
EventFlorida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) - Virtual, Tallahassee, United States
Duration: Feb 26 2021Feb 27 2021


ConferenceFlorida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC)
Country/TerritoryUnited States

Bibliographical note

The 2021 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) was virtual.

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